Tracking Address: ASPCD 1.51 Order Form Tasks, Projects & People ------------------------ Please rush me my copy of Tasks, Projects, and People. In return, I will receive a full licensed copy of the product with a bound user's manual. Send me _____ copies at $49.00 per copy............ ______________ California residents add 7.75% sales tax........... ______________ Include $4.00 for shipping and handling. $8.00 outside the USA. ............................ ______________ The total amount for the order is.................. ______________ Payment: ___ VISA/Mastercard _____________________________ Exp. _________ ___ Check enclosed ___ Purchase Order Number ______________________________________ CUSTOMER INFORMATION Name:_______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________ State: ____________________ Zipcode: __________________ Country: _____________________ Phone: __________________ Note: Your phone number will be confidential. We will only use your number if we need to contact you. Send/Fax all orders to: PATRI-SOFT 5225 Canyon Crest Dr. Suite 71-358 Riverside, CA 92507 Telephone: 909-352-2820 FAX: 909-352-1527 BBS: 909-352-2825